Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I Will Never Be Able To Spell Again

Yesterday, as I was walking through one of the city malls, I came across a gigantic poster-presentation about the planet.  One had an English caption that said:

"Earth at Neight"

And I thought, "Well, duh!  That totally makes sense!"

Just like it makes way more sense to write "fein" instead of "fine."  Or HEIDI instead of HIEDIE.

Or, how I never want c's to make k-sounds now.  It's so much more logikal, for example, to write "aktually."  And while we're at it, let's just do away with the whole double-l thing because that's just over-the-top.  Aktualy.  Maybe even: Aktualie.  Yeah, I like that second one better.

Zoo should be "Suu" or something like it--it is in my head now anyway.   And now, instead of "So" I want to write "Zo" for reasons that are actually too complicated to go into at the moment.

I bring this up for two reasons.  1) This FRIEK OUT poster is beautiful unto my soul  and 2) when we made our grocery list this week, I found myself writing, "Zucker" instead of "Sugar" and "Apfel" instead of "Apple" and "Milch" instead of "Milk"...

The language assimilation...It has begun...

Turns out I did that whole "spelling bee" thing back in the day fur no gut riesun.


  1. I think it's "schpell."

  2. Your blogs keep getting better and better, or should I say besser und besser?

  3. My mom actually started writing emails to me with some words written as you are commenting about...back in college is when she did that. Kind of confusing the first time I read an email from her, but she had the same idea; why not write things the way they sound and as it seems that they should be written?!


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