Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Completely Disconnected Post

My incredibly serious looking introductory picture that has nothing to do with anything in this post

I've discovered that people (aka I)  like blogs and websites with pictures in them, and because I didn't take any pictures today (it was a boring day), I thought I'd make this rather serious looking pairing for today's post.

Yes, yes how terribly intensely serious it looks.  Like I'm about to say something about life's journey or true love or the indomitable spirit of the human race or how my walls have jaundice.

But nope.  Nothing as cool as that.

Just the fact that today I'm back at work (for real)--heading out through the rainstorm to the Lab and the University.

Did you know Paul has this new shirt that makes him look like a faREAKin' supermodel.  Every time he walks into the room I have to grab at my heart because of the pure shock and ecstasy of seeing him.  Seriously.   And then he does that "awww go on" smile thing and I just pass out right there.

On the blue tile of the Aquahaus.

Finally, Jillian Michaels broke my poor little body two days ago.  I was miraculously cured by applying a cayenne pepper poultice to my pulled abdominal muscles and an hour into the four-hour treatment I was pretty much convinced that I burned my skin off and was going to die.

Then I woke up the next morning and could stand up for the first time in two days and I was so happy!  I did an interpretive dance of my suffering and redemption in the kitchen all alone--I was wearing black stretch pants, black flats, and a black shirt.  I channeled Audrey Hepburn.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand scene.

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