Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Short Vignette from the Life of Paul

Once upon a time, Paul was on an LDS mission in Germany.  This time was very, very long ago.

One day, Paul the Missionary went out into the German world to go visit people--because it was his job and stuff.

At one house, Paul knocked on the door and it was opened by a shirtless man.

Before Paul could say a word, this man did the following in rapid succession:

1. Held up his hand in a "stop" gesture.
2. Directed a forceful "peace sign" gesture toward Paul.
3. Emphatically bellowed, "VICTORIA!"
4. Shut the door.

And that is why this picture was taken:

Unfortunately, it was too cold to go shirtless...

The End.


  1. Soooooo hilarious! Whew! And thank you Paul, for keeping the shirt on :) I mean . .thank you cold.


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