Friday, January 27, 2012

Why am I Writing This?

On Monday, I turn in my beloved office keys--my last-name-misspelled-in-German-phonetics office keys-- and enter the strange voidishness that is going to be February and March.

No University classes to teach.  No FinNland project to work on.  No German courses to take.  Oh, blerg.  Who's idea was it to put the two-month semester break in February and March?!  Of all months!  Of all the crazy?!


So I will write here in February and March (as I learn German at home, and do my Master's courses, and explore the city, and whatnot).

Because I've always gone to a blog to write, it seems.  Ever since I first learned about blogs, actually--way back in the Jurassic period, you know, 2006.

Then, after a bit, I'd finish a chapter of my life and make a new blog--like buying a new journal.  This latest blog is number three; had one in Grad School, had one in Oregon, and got one for Europe.

They're just my casual journals.  That's all they are!  Just a place where I can put the funny or beautiful or interesting things about my day--and having one helps me notice the funny or beautiful or interesting things about each day.  I like that.

I like to blog and I like it when other people blog.  I like getting to know other people through theirs and I really like letting other people know me through mine if they happen across it.  I've always thought this.

HI, strangers!  Hi!   привет to people in Russia!  (I have a friend named Mikhail from Russia.  Really.  Last night he said that Jesus is like a red, red rose--and I'll bet you want to know what that was all about.  Welp, so do I!  It made no sense.) and Hi people in Minnesota, and Hola people in Spain!

So, when I asked myself today, as I walked past the 3 &'s and the Murder-Cow-Sign, "Why are you writing this blog, really?"  That was my cross-my-heart answer:  I just want to remember things and I just enjoy writing about life.

And there's so much to write about!  Because I live in fraaaaarikilickin Europe!  I could write about light switches and it would be interesting.


Or even office keys.

1 comment:

  1. The new vocabulary words you introduce me to nearly every day are fantastic! I love your blog and getting to know you better!


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