Friday, September 23, 2011

Bad News and Good News

Bad News:

The owner of Peptohaus decided to let the apartment to a friend.  mumble mumble nepotism mumble...

Good News:

We won't have to live in a pink, boxy building?

Second Good News:  

We will be able to stay in a temporary (albeit expensive) furnished dorm apartment till another option opens up...somewhere... sometime.

I'm starting to think that Rostock is a city without any housing anywhere, ever, at all.  I'm going to shuffle over to my window now, stare longingly over the landscape and start singing some West Side Story tuneage~~

 ::trembing voice::

"There's....a....plaaaaaaaace for uuuusssss.  Somewhere...a...plaaaaaaace for usssssss."


  1. Laughing, laughing, crying, laughing, crying because I am laughing so hard but wait . . you are probably crying and not laughing because you are ma-ad right now. But I can't help it. this Blog is great. I could hear you singing in your choking up kind of voice. How do you ALWAYS find the perfect excerpts for your blog that totally convey your exact feelings? I looooooove reading your Hunns adventures. Ahhhh, I just looked up at the video and I started laughing again. I love you Heidi!

  2. I agree! How do you seem to find the prefect excerpts for your blog?! I just don't have a mind that quickly makes connections like yours does! So sorry that you didn't get the apartment you wanted - and the search continues!!!
    Good luck, dear Heidi!


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