Monday, December 28, 2020

Mostly Twains

 Ansel is a pleasure to chat with.  We have long conversations about all kinds of things:  twains, cats, cass-ohs (castles), twains under the sea, sips (ships), magnatiles, staws (stars), and how much he loves eating stick cheese (string cheese) and graham crackers...  Today at dinner we talked about Venice and how it doesn't have any cars - he thought that was mostly hilarious.  Laughed a long time.

Today Hadrian told me that "a vaccine is like when tiny pieces of the sickness that aren't strong are put in your body so your body recognizes what it looks like and then it can fight it."  It was amazing.  I asked him where he learned that.  "You told me, mom."  Well, I don't remember that at all, but I'm glad it stuck.  

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