Wednesday, January 20, 2021

VP Harris and a Return to Decency


In two hours, we will have our first female Vice President.  Her last name is Harris.  Which is THE BEST.

And in two hours, we will have a new President.  One who does presidential things like this (above) - ceremonies mourning unnecessary loss of life.  Who has a cabinet of qualified people lined up.  Who knows how our government is constitutionally supposed to work.  Who is a decent person.  THANK GOODNESS.

I already feel the anxiety levels lowering.  

The last four years have been so exhausting.  And terrifying.  I will never understand anyone who tries to say that the Trump era was just "a difference of political opinion."  The lies and incompetence and cruelty were so obvious and blatant - almost daily I'd have to honestly ask Paul some version of, "How are they not seeing this?  How are people defending this?"  

It was also like watching our republican friends and family cling to a horribly abusive relationship.  So many, "He just has his moments" or "I'm sure that's not what he really meant" or "You just don't understand him" or "If people would stop attacking him then..."  or "I'm married to this.  I don't have a choice."

Girl.  Yes you do.  You deserve so much better. We all do.

So today I'm wearing my converse in honor of Kamala and streaming the White House's video channel.   I deeply, deeply hope that this is the last Wednesday in 2021 (so far Wednesdays have been bad) I feel like I have to watch the news.

P.S.  I FULLY bawled my eyes out almost-uncontrollably during the VP oath of office.

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